December 19–21, 2022
Bangkok, Thailand
True Digital Park West & K+ Building by KBTG
The MIT Media Lab is an interdisciplinary research lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). For nearly 40 years, the Lab has been at the forefront of science, engineering, design, and art, encouraging the exploration and creation of cutting-edge technology and innovation that has changed the world.
The MIT Media Lab Southeast Asia Forum, co-hosted by KBTG and Bangkok Bank in collaboration with True Corporation, the MIT Alumni Association in Thailand, and more, will not only highlight the insights and the most recent research from the MIT Media Lab during a three-day event in Bangkok, but also invite participants to co-create new possibilities in Southeast Asia and think beyond the “elephant” in the room.
Beyond the Elephant in the Room
Addressing “the Elephant,” or humanity’s greatest challenges that are often ignored, the event will focus on contemporary technology and the envisioned future that can bring about emerging technologies like Extended Intelligence (AI), Hybrid Realities (Xverse), Augmented Creativity, Cyborg Health, Smart Materials, Digital Currency, Space Exploration, and Sustainability.

Session Themes
Cyborg Health: From Dream Engineering to Nano-Robotics
This session will explore the emerging and unconventional health technologies that are redefining the healthcare system through human-machine symbiosis.
Internet of Values: Digital Currency, Web3, and Trustworthy Networks
This session will discuss the possibilities and challenges of decentralized networks that allow users to create value and trust in the digital age.
X-Verse: Being Digital + Digital Beings
This session will explore the opportunities and challenges for our hybrid realities, where the digital world merges with the physical and biological worlds, and invite participants to consider how they may affect our humanity.
Creativity Across Scales: Co-Creating Communities of Possibilities
This session will focus on learning and creativity, and how technology empowers humans to co-create innovative ideas together in a new way.
Extended Mind: From Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Amplification
This session will explore the integration of AI into our daily lives and consider how it can augment human intelligence rather than replacing it.
Defying Gravity: From Space Exploration to Democratization
This session will discuss the technologies that enable space exploration and consider how they may influence our lives on Earth, as well as the inevitable destiny of humans as an interplanetary species.
Material Alchemist: Bits, Atoms, Magic
This session will focus on advances in material sciences that allow us to weave bits, atoms, and computation into matter.
E-Topia: Sustaining Cities with Smart Technologies
This session will focus on smart techno-social systems that foster sustainability and create a circular economy to improve the future of humankind.

Professor Dava Newman
Director, MIT Media Lab
Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Former NASA Deputy Administrator

Professor Pattie Maes
Professor, MIT Media Lab
Director, Fluid Interfaces Group

Professor Hiroshi Ishii
Professor, MIT Media Lab
Director, Tangible Media Group

Professor Mitchel Resnick
LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, MIT Media Lab
Director, Lifelong Kindergarten Group

Professor Joseph Paradiso
Professor, MIT Media Lab
Director, Responsive Environments Group

Professor Deblina Sarkar
Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab
Director, Nano-Cybernetic Biotrek Group

Professor Danielle Wood
Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab
Assistant Professor (Joint) of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
Director, Space Enabled Group

Dr. David Kong
Director, MIT Media Lab Community Biotechnology Initiative

Pat Pataranutaporn
PhD Candidate, MIT Media Lab
Researcher, Fluid Interfaces Group
KBTG Fellow

Irmandy Wicaksono
PhD Candidate, MIT Media Lab
Researcher, Responsive Environments Group

Guy Zyskind
PhD Candidate, MIT Media Lab
Researcher, Human Dynamics Group

Ziv Epstein
PhD Candidate, MIT Media Lab
Researcher, Human Dynamics Group

Luis Alberto Alonso Pastor
Research Scientist, MIT Media Lab
City Science Group

Dr. Chadchart Sittipunt
Mayor of Bangkok

Krating Poonpol
Group Chairman, KASIKORN Business-Technology Group

Dr. Pichet Durongkaveroj
Executive Director, Bangkok Bank Limited

Natwut Amornvivat
Chairman, True Digital Group

Rubén Lozano Aguilera
Senior Product Manager, Google Maps

Kasidit Tansanguan
Director, Digital Currency Team, Corporate Strategy and Planning Group, Bank of Thailand

Krit Jitjang

Dr. Pao Sriprasertsuk
Bangkok Bank

Dr. Karndee Leopairote
Executive Vice President, MQDC/Translucia

Dr. Thadpong Pongthawornkamol
Managing Director, KBTG Labs

Charamporn Jotikasthira
Executive Director, Bangkok Bank

Dr. Chonnikarn Jira
Head of Digital Academy, True Digital Group

Dr. Monchai Lertsutthiwong
Principal Research Engineer at KBTG

Chanawut Sawasdee
Startup business incubator, SCG Chemicals

Ekachai Phakdurong
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Thaicom Public Company Limited
Tentative Program

Day 1: December 19, 2022
09:00-09:30 Opening
Pat Pataranutaporn (5 min)
Prof. Dava Newman (5 min)
Prof. Mitch Resnick (Media Lab Spirit: 15 min)
09:30-11:00 Xverse: Being Digital + Digital Beings
Moderator: Dr. Karndee Leopairote, Executive Vice President, MQDC/Translucia
Pat Pataranutaporn, MIT Media Lab & KBTG Fellow (15 min)
Prof. Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Joseph Paradiso, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:30 Creativity Across Scales: Co-Creating Communities of Possibilities
Moderator: Dr. Pao Sriprasertsuk, Department Manager, Bangkok Bank
Dr. David Kong, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Mitch Resnick, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Ziv Epstein, PhD Candidate, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Local Keynote
Krating Poonpol, Group Chairman, KASIKORN Business-Technology Group
14:00-15:15 Cyborg Health: From Dream Engineering to Nano-Robotics
Moderator: Dr. Monchai Lertsutthiwong, Principal Research Engineer, KBTG Labs
Prof. Pattie Maes, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Deblina Sarkar, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Pat Pataranutaporn, MIT Media Lab & KBTG Fellow (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30 -17:00 Defying Gravity: From Space Exploration to Democratization
Moderator: Ekachai Phakdurong, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Thaicom Public Company Limited
Prof. Dava Newman, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Irmandy Wicaksono, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Danielle Wood, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Joseph Paradiso, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
17:00-17:10 Closing Remarks
Prof. Hiroshi Ishii, Media Lab (10 min)
09:00-09:20 Opening Performance
Pichet Klunchun Dance Company
Irmandy Wicaksono, MIT Media Lab
Pat Pataranutaporn, MIT Media Lab & KBTG Fellow
09:20-09:30 Welcome message
Mayor of Bangkok: Dr. Chadchart Sittipunt
09:30-11:15 E-Topia: Sustaining Cities with Smart Technologies
Moderator: Dr. Thadpong Pongthawornkamol, Managing Director, KBTG Labs
Dr. Luis Alonso, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Danielle Wood, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Dava Newman, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Krit Jitjang: President, KASIKORNBANK (15min)
Rubén Lozano Aguilera: Senior Product Manager, Google Maps (15 min) [Zoom]
Panel Discussion (30 min)
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12:00 Local Keynote
Dr. Pichet Durongkaveroj, Executive Director, Bangkok Bank
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Local Keynote
Natwut Amornvivat, Chairman, True Digital Group
13:30-15:00 Interest of Values: Digital Currency, Web3, and Trustworthy Networks
Moderator: Charamporn Jotikasthira, Executive Director, Bangkok Bank
Guy Zyskind, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Dr. Luis Alonso, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Ziv Epstein, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Kasidit Tansanguan, Director, Digital Currency Team, Corporate Strategy and Planning Group, Bank of Thailand (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
15:00-16:15 Extended Mind: From Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Amplification
Moderator: Dr. Chonnikarn Jira, Head of Digital Academy, True Digital Group
Prof. Pattie Maes, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Prof. Deblina Sarkar, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Guy Zyskind, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-17:45 Material Alchemist: Bits, Atoms, Magic
Moderator: Chanawut Sawasdee, Startup business incubator, SCG Chemicals
Prof. Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Irmandy Wicaksono, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Dr. David Kong, MIT Media Lab (15 min)
Panel Discussion (30 min)
17:45-17:55 Closing Remarks
Prof. Dava Newman, MIT Media Lab (10 min)
DsDay 3: December 21, 2022
The CXO Forum (Invited Only)
Deep-dive sessions (five tracks) will take place in an intimate setting (12-15 people per breakout room). There will be two 2-hour sessions in the morning and afternoon. The number of tracks (sessions) and formation are subject to change.
09:00-09:10 Welcome by Dava Newman
9:10-9:15 Logistics (KBTG)
09:15-10:30 Highlights from Day 1 and Day 2 (Presentations in the Auditorium)
Xverse: Being Digital + Digital Beings (Prof. Joseph Paradiso)
Creativity Across Scales: Co-Creating Communities of Possibilities (Prof. Mitch Renick)
Cyborg Health: From Dream Engineering to Nano-Robotics (Prof. Deblina Sarkar)
Defying Gravity: From Space Exploration to Democratization (Prof. Danielle Wood)
E-Topia: Sustaining Cities with Smart Technologies (Dr. Luis Alonso)
Interest of Values: Digital Currency, Web3, and Trustworthy Networks (Guy Zyskind)
Extended Mind: From Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Amplification (Prof. Pattie Maes)
Material Alchemist: Bits, Atoms, Magic (Prof. Hiroshi Ishii)
10:30-10:45 Break | Transition for breakout sessions (5 tracks)
10:45-12:45 Deep-dive session I
12:45-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-16:00 Deep-dive session II (5 tracks)
16:00 Reception and Networking
CXO Forum Session
Deep-dive Session 1: Morning |
1) Main room: Revolutionary Technologies at Scale
Prof. Pattie Maes (Firefly, Tulip) Prof. Mitch Resnick (Scratch, LEGO Mindstorms) |
2) E-topia Sustainability
Prof. Dava Newman Prof. Danielle Wood Dr. David Kong |
3) Hybrid Future (Xverse) & Connected World
Prof. Hiroshi Ishii Pat Pataranutaporn Irmandy Wicaksono |
4) Intelligence City and Social Network of the Future Prof. Joseph Paradiso Guy Zyskind Dr. Luis Alonso |
5) Augmented Intelligence Prof. Deblina Sarkar Ziv Epstein |
Deep-dive Session 2: Afternoon |
1) Main room: Revolutionary Technologies at Scale
Pattie Maes (Firefly, Tulip), Mitch Resnick (Scratch, LEGO Mindstorms), Guy Zyskind (SCRT Labs) |
2) E-topia Sustainability
Prof. Dava Newman Prof. Danielle Wood Dr. David Kong |
3) Hybrid Future (Xverse) & Connected World
Prof. Hiroshi Ishii Pat Pataranutaporn Irmandy Wicaksono |
4) Intelligence City and Social Network of the Future Prof. Joseph Paradiso Guy Zyskind Dr. Luis Alonso |
5) Augmented Intelligence
Prof. Deblina Sarkar Ziv Epstein |